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Welcome to Bangsiland
My mom made this site for me with this nice Pooh theme and of course it is copy-right Disney on all Pooh pictures. The purpose of this site is not commercial only to joy my friends and family!

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Bangsímon is Pooh's icelandic name and Bangsi is the ice-landic word for teddy bear so that's the reason for this web-sites' name.

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| Updated 27 11 2005| Webmaster | ©bangsiland 2005 |This site is protected by copyright law |
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Right now – Sunday 27 November, 2005

1st of Advent

It has been a lovely Sunday, this 1st of Advent 2005. We slept a little bit longer as mom and dad had been at the Theatre and saw the play Heaven by Ibsen the night before. During the time they were away I stayed at Ingvar and Ingibjörk. We played on the drums and other instruments so I really had a great time.

We started this morning by having a great breakfast and lighting first candle of the wreath mom made yesterday. After that dad put up Christmas lights on the balcony and mom was packing all Christmas gifts for our relative's n Grundafjördur. Then it was time to go to church. It was so beautiful and we sang many of the famous songs like Silent Night and we wish you a Merry Christmas. This was a special ceremony arranged by the Swedish Association and after wards we went to the Swedish Ambassadors residence for coffee and cookies. The Christmas spirit was on top!

Then we went to Smaralind, the big shopping centres were we were listening to a concert and made some shopping. Mom gave dad a very nice suite and dad bought himself a coat. He will be very good-looking for Christmas, that's for sure!!

I was so tired after all this happenings I fell asleep on our way home. It has been a wonderful day!

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Midvinternattens köld är hård,
stjärnorna gnistra och glimma
Alla sova i enslig gård djupt under midnattstimma
Månen vandrar sin tysta ban,
snön lyser vit på fur och gran,
snön lyser vit på taken
Endast tomten är vaken
Victor Rydberg
läs resten av dikten


Here is Anna Björks Christmas Calendar, please have have a look

Soon it is December and you will then follow my way of celebrating it! There will much pleasure, funny and exciting things to see, hear and read about... please come back every day until Christmas!!